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The above photographs are a small piece from the colors photographs that are inside the book
"The port of Heraklion-VIEWS" of Manolis Papadakis.
You can see data about the book from the left small icon Publication
From the photographer’s indroduction
……………………I have been endless times at the port’s area, either in a windy, cold weather, by the wavy see, either enjoying the breeze of spring or autumn, either under the hot sun of summer.
I have been (at the port’s area) in the early hours, before the sunrise and many times during the sunset of the summer nights.
Lots of times, I have waited behind my camera’s lens, the right time to press my camera’s button, either the “begging” seagull, either the waves, either the people to be in the appropriate place at my picture. These moments I am feeling my eyes, my mind and my soul to be “called up” and devoted in what is taking place or in what I am expecting and waiting to happen……
Manolis Papadakis EFIAP